The Resilient Body with Dr. Ar'neka

Ep. 108 Quick fixes versus long term solutions

Dr. Ar'neka Cooper Season 2 Episode 108

This episode is inspired by conversations I’ve had with potential patients about what they’re looking for as an outcome. In our society, we are taught that quick fixes or band aids are what is going to solve your pain or problem but the reality is it’s only covering up the symptoms and may be causing you more harm in the long run. One of the biggest things that we focus on in our office is long-term solutions and making sure that you understand what’s happening in your body and what you can do to solve this problem and get the outcome you want and deserve.  For some moms that means getting back to their strength training or fitness classes or just being able to play with your kid without wondering if you’re low back will “go out”. Tune in as we talk about the difference between the two and bring awareness to where you are. 

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