
Step by Step for Performance Nerves: This is My *Personal* Pre-Show Routine

Kyle Buchanan

It’s a sore sore feeling when nerves get the best of you, especially for something you REALLY wanted to excel at. 

However we want to phrase it - performance anxiety, stage fright, butterflies, interview-nerves . . . it all produces a similar feeling in the moments leading up to needing to be “on” and perform at your best. 

And these feelings - I should note -  are completely normal, they can even be helpful  . . . but it’s when they become  all consuming and that  sheer PANIC sets in - that's when it becomes a problem, and no longer serves you.

Annoyingly - I’ve had many times over the years where  the nerves and panic got the better of me, and my performance suffered as a result.  And even though I ‘perform’ in different ways on a more regular basis now  - whether through morning tv segments, podcast interviews or keynotes… the truth is, as an anxious-leaning person, the butterflies still very much come up.

The *DIFFERENCE* now though - after over a decade of trial and error, is that I’ve developed a pre-show routine that helps lay a calm foundation, so that when the time comes to be “on” I’m thinking clearly and able to perform at my best.

And I’m sharing that step by step with you today.

Feel free to take one or all and try them on for size, especially if you’ve got something important coming up - in which case - you've GOT this. 😉