
From Hive to Health: Talking all things Honey, Pollen, Propolis and Beekeepers with Angela Ysseldyk!!

Kyle Buchanan

Bee's are magical creatures. And we know that honey is good for us  - but what about all of that other stuff we hear about, but might not know how to use, like: 
-Bee Propolis
-Bee Pollen, and
-Royal Jelly? 

What ARE those things, HOW do they benefit our health, and how can we use them?

In today's episode, we are talking with  someone who comes from a Beekeeping legacy. 
We're chatting with  Angela Ysseldyk of Dutchman's Gold, and she's breaking it all down for us. 

We cover a lot in this episode, from bee products, to sustainability and how you and I can support the bees, to the trials and hardhships of navigating change and running a small business. 

Here are some of the things we cover today:

  • Why are bees so special?
  • What's the difference between pasteurized vs unpasteurized honey? 
  • What is bee proplis, royal jelly and bee pollen?
  • How can honey or bee pollen help with seasonal allergies? 
  • Sustainability when it comes to bees and bee products - and what to look for
  • How you and I can help the bees on a daily basis 
  • Angela's Bee Friendly Promise
  • What Angela does on tough days running a small business
  • Angela's feelgood thing 

About Angela:
Angela Ysseldyk isn't your average Holistic Nutritionist. She's like the queen bee of wellness, rooted in a family legacy of beekeeping. As the daughter of the beekeeper founders and entrepreneurs, Angela now leads the charge at Dutchman’s Gold alongside her husband Mark and their dedicated team as second-generation owners. They're all about keeping those bees buzzing happily.

With 25 years of experience in holistic nutrition, Angela has worked with top wellness companies like Jamieson Wellness, Progressive, Smart Solutions, and Iron Vegan. Now, she's taking her expertise to new heights, hoping to elevate this family legacy. Angela's mission? To spread the word about sustainable honey and beehive wellness products, empowering folks to live their best lives by tapping into the goodness straight from the hive, all while caring for our planet.


Website: https://dutchmansgold.com/

More information on bee friendly promise: https://dutchmansgold.com/pages/bee-friendly-promise

More information about the let’s plant campaign: https://dutchmansgold.com/pages/lets-plant

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dutchman-s-gold/mycompany/?viewAsMember=true

IG: @dutchmansgold

Angela on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/settings?trk=d_flagship3_profile_self_view_public_profile

Pollinator Partnership Canada:  https://www.pollinatorpartnership.ca/

Were you ever given Hot Toddy's to feel better when you were sick? Do you think they work? Please write in and let me know your experience!
