


A registered nurse from the white mountains of New England, Ben came to this podcast with one mission: to make enough money to never have to work his stupid job ever again. A vegan punk-rocker with a penchant for mischief and deviant sexual behavior, Ben encapsulates a progressive path forward into the abyss that is the future of our existence.

Ben is a left leaning socialist that will argue until he is blue in the face. Once self-identified as an anarcho-syndicalist, he now identifies as an adult that is socialist leaning. He believes that society cannot function in isolation, and that more can be built through mutual aid than individual fervor. Unfortunately, the "free" market continues to prevail to the advantage of a select few, while the rest of us beg for scraps and fight each other for the privilege. 

You can reach Ben at



With a background in forensic psychology and a foreground in existential dread, Sarah comes to the podcast with a kind heart and a fierce RBF. A statistician on a mission, ready to get down on the topic of the day. Complaints? She's got 'em. Opinions? This woman has more than most are comfortable with. Excel skills? You bet your sweet ass.

A New England native that found solace in 90's alternative rock and Garth Brooks. She may not see much sunshine but she exudes a radiant love for all living things (except people). She enjoys her dogs, doing crafts, puzzles, and her dogs. She harnesses a snark sharper than Roseanne Barr (before the brain eating parasite). She is truly a cunning linguist, unrivaled by anyone. 

Despite growing up in the 90s, Sarah is naïve to pop-culture, making her impervious to nostalgia. As inept at social media as she is to cinema, we give her an A for effort.

You can reach Sarah at