
Michelle Lake

Michelle (Shelly) Lake, a former collegiate swimmer and conference champion at the United States Naval Academy (Class of 1998), has been a USAT Level 2 Endurance Coach since 2013 and a USAT Level 1 Coach since 2010 after starting triathlon and road running races in 2006.

Michelle owns Fiv3 Racing – a coaching company with 45+ athletes but also one of the biggest triathlon teams in the Washington DC area with close to 80 Team members.

In early 2022, Coach Michelle started a new endeavor, Coach Michelle Lake, specializing in teaching other endurance (Triathlon, Running, Cycling, Swim) coaches how to run a profitable business while navigating from hobby coaching to part-time and then to full-time businesses. She leads a group/1:1 coaching program where she teaches and mentors coaches in marketing, content creation, building community, offer generation, pricing and time management – growing coaching businesses while saving time and gaining profitability.