Hello Sunday

Identifying Your Values And Shaping Your Goals & Life Around Them (they probably aren't what you think)

Nikki Hyden Episode 32

This week we are discussing values and no I don't mean 'loyalty, 'honesty' the social ideals that we should hold as a bare minimum, but the stuff that actually drives you.

I'll take you through an exercise to identify your values and in turn, how to shape your goals around them or vice versa.

There are meant to be 13 questions, but yet again I seem to have lost the ability to count (throw back to episode 2!) so I went from 9 to 11 and completely ignored  number 10.

So question 10 is:

- What do you talk to others about?

This exercise is such an interesting one to do because it really shed some light on why I have felt disconnected lately in my work and as a result, I have completely switched up my business niche, which has been amazing!

The book I mention is:

The Values Factor 

I am always so happy to hear from you with any feedback or requests for future episodes. You can contact me using the below links:

Instagram: @hellosundaypod

Email: hellosundaypod@outlook.com

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Nikki xx

NB: No advice given on this podcast regarding sobriety or cutting out alcohol should be taken without seeking the advice of a medical professional.