Hello Sunday

Cutting Energetic Ties - How To Lessen Anxiety

Nikki Hyden Episode 37

We all have situations in our lives that cause us anxiety and stress and yet we continue to perpetuate them. Whether we are in control or not, forcing situations and trying to create outcomes is never a nice feeling and it can do way more harm than we realise. Remember, the body keeps the score and that tense neck, headache or low level sense of anxiety in your tummy could all be as a result of situations, people or experiences, that we need to energetically cut ties from.

In this episode I'll talk about a real life example I am currently experiencing and the impact that has had, as well as some ways that we can release these situations people or experiences, to free ourselves from that feeling and create space for new and better things to enter our lives.

Chord Cutting Meditation 
Chord Cutting Visualisation 

Andrew Huberman Video On Neurotoxicity 

I am always so happy to hear from you with any feedback or requests for future episodes. You can contact me using the below links:

Instagram: @hellosundaypod

Email: hellosundaypod@outlook.com

Symprove 50% discount

Nikki xx

NB: No advice given on this podcast regarding sobriety or cutting out alcohol should be taken without seeking the advice of a medical professional.