Hello Sunday

The Power of Setting Intentions

Nikki Hyden Episode 38

We have all heard the phrase 'go with the flow', which can be a beautiful thing to do if we take as it embracing the ebb and flow of life and enjoying the ride,  but taken too literally, it can leave us floating through life never actually achieving the things we want or becoming the person we are capable of being.

Setting intentions creates focus and ensures our expended energy and actions align with what it is we want to get or achieve out of a situation, experience or period of our life.

In this episode we talk about what  intentions why intention setting is important and how and when to set intentions. 

I am always so happy to hear from you with any feedback or requests for future episodes. You can contact me using the below links:

Instagram: @hellosundaypod

Email: hellosundaypod@outlook.com

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Nikki xx

NB: No advice given on this podcast regarding sobriety or cutting out alcohol should be taken without seeking the advice of a medical professional.