Hello Sunday

Struggle Isn't The Opposite Of Success, It's Part Of It

Nikki Hyden Episode 45

In this episode I have been inspired not only by a quote (surprise surprise!) but also by an England footballer. You'll have to listen to see the not so tentative link between struggle and international football stardom, but I promise there is one! 

Sometimes we might feel like we have failed, or things are going backwards or we aren't where we want to be, but often when things are said and done, when we look back in hindsight, that struggle really was such an important part of the journey and sometimes, the most important and transformative part.

I am always so happy to hear from you with any feedback or requests for future episodes. You can contact me using the below links:

Instagram: @hellosundaypod

Email: hellosundaypod@outlook.com

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Nikki xx

NB: No advice given on this podcast regarding sobriety or cutting out alcohol should be taken without seeking the advice of a medical professional.