The Soul Amplified Podcast
Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big.
290 episodes
Cycles & Women: a 4 Part Story
Contact me or Join my Stuff Here:Join the Waitlist for Radiance RecipeClick here to join waitlistThis is my 3 month program, starting in early Ap...
Season 2
Episode 290

Rebuilding Community
What do we need in community? This is both personal, and universal at the same time. I'm reflecting on this right now, as I just had an experience that felt like I'd 'arrived' at the kind of community I've been building for the last...
Season 2
Episode 289

Dissolving Emotional Blocks through Brainspotting with Jennie Hays
Brainspotting, a newer healing modality, is where it's at! Jennie Hays is with me today to tell us all about it.In today's episode you'll learn:Why brainspotting is incredibly effectiveDifferent life areas and ...
Season 2
Episode 288

Flowing into New Beginnings: Yoga Mudras with Emma Wertheim
Emma Wertheim is a grounding and calming presence, and she already feels like an old friend after just this interview. She has so much wisdom, but today she shared with use about Yoga Mudras.Yoga Mudras are positions you hold your ...
Season 2
Episode 287

Messages of Love
If you're needing a little love, or just a positive message, this is for you.Contact me or Join my Stuff Here:Join the Waitlist for Radiance RecipeClick here...
Season 2
Episode 286

But What about Divine Feminine?
Contact me or Join my Stuff Here:Join the Waitlist for Radiance RecipeClick here to join waitlistThis is my 3 month program, starting in early April, on lea...
Season 2
Episode 285

Activate Your Radiance!
Radiance is a central experience of the Divine Feminine.How can you connect to your Radiance?What is it, even?What drains it of its energy, and luster?Tune in to learn more, and a few practices that can deepen your connection to...
Season 2
Episode 284

Do Nothing in January
This episode is not about New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, it’s about the opposite of New Year’s Resolutions. It’s about not starting anything new in January, and keeping everything in your life simple.Why? Becaus...
Season 2
Episode 283

Rest is more than Going Slow: 3 More Types of Rest
That's right! Other parts of our self need rest too, not just our physical body going slow. Learn new perspectives on how to take care of yourself in 3 more categories of rest in this episode. (pppssst: there are 7 types of re...
Season 2
Episode 282

That's a Wrap! Tying up Loose Ends in the Fall
Tying up Loose Ends in the fall is one of the ways you can take care of yourself. There are several reasons why this is a good process which I explain. I'll also talk about the kinds of things to wrap up, why we do it, and at t...
Season 2
Episode 281

Holidays with the Muggles
I hear many stories of people who don't know how to interact with family or long time friends who don't hold the same spiritual beliefs. As the earth's vibration rises, so does ours. And at times it can feel like the distance gets w...
Season 2
Episode 280

Self Love Energy Practices
Looking to add some new practices to your Meditation, or Self Care Routine?These 4 practices contain elements that will draw you closer to you your own appreciation for your Self. Keeping you a priority and maintaining your energe...
Season 2
Episode 279

When your Ancestors keep Passing the Buck
Light Workers are here to change the vibration of the world and help with the ascension of our planet. Doing your own individual personal development and betterment is part of this. You may be a Light Worker, simply by improving you...
Season 2
Episode 278

4 Energy Healing Tips for your Womb Space
Little did you know, you can target your meditative and energy healing practices at your womb space.You'll learn imagery you can use in simple moments to connect to your womb space.I'll share the impact an energetically healthy ...
Season 2
Episode 277

When I do Energy Healing on Myself: Receiving Money
As a professional Energy Healer, you've probably wondered what my own practice is like. You're in luck! Today I'll be sharing about a recent Energy Healing session on myself. From just a few days ago!You'll learn:H...
Season 2
Episode 276

Universal Energy: 3 Ways you're Already doing Energy Work
Universal Energy is what everything is made of! Check out this episode where I talk about how to effect your life by impacting your personal energy, or frequency. How can you access energy work, what is it, and what are 3 ways you'r...
Season 2
Episode 275

You're Carrying too Many Things!
When we carry too much, it gets in the way of the delicious slowness and restorativeness of Autumn. This is a time of slowing. Along side that, we live with expectations of busyness and production. Always be producing! H...
Season 2
Episode 274

Dark Feminine: What's it All About?
Dark Feminine Energy is a component of Divine Feminine Energy. She is magnetic, sensual, confident, bold and Powerful. To name just a few things.Like all parts of the Divine Feminine, she is much more complex than this. Dark...
Season 2
Episode 273

Turning to Autumn
Fall has a deeper meaning than just switching our clothes to cozy sweaters, tuning into our fave sports and getting ready for all things spiced apple and pumpkin! Autumn has a whole inner purpose, and I'm here to talk about it! Lean...
Season 2
Episode 272

Personal Evolution: Accepting All of the Self
All of us have parts of the self we lock away, keep in a dungeon or behind a veil. Things we don't have the capacity or interest to look at, change, transmute right now. Today I share when and how these things may come up ou...
Season 2
Episode 271

What Stops us from Looking Behind the Veil at our Deeper Self?
When we look deeply within ourselves, there are complications that come up. How to handle the emotions? How to handle the perceptions of self that were not anticipated? How do we integrate the versions of self we perceive ther...
Season 2
Episode 270

Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle is Bloody Amazing
Why should you track your period? All sorts of reasons!Namely, no one should be surprised it's coming, and Secondly, There is so much useful information you find out about how you operate as a person with a uterus!Today I go ...
Season 2
Episode 269

Mixing Nurturance, Community and the Feminine: with Sophie Wegecsanyi
When my friend Sophie first mentioned that the USA has a different reaction to the feminine, and how the feminine wants to live, than other parts of the world, I was intrigued (and not surprised). You see, Sophie is Australian and has liv...
Season 2
Episode 268