Journey to Well

The Summer of BEing | June Solo Pod

Hannah Season 1 Episode 19

Hello my friend! It's been a little while. I've had such a busy spring & had to come here to share some thoughts on this shift from spring -to-> summer energy. 

From DOing -to-> BEing 

We just went through huge transition - spring to summer (that may be coming in as kids getting out of school, shifts in work projects, just feel subtle energy shifts, feeling unexplained emotions and being super harsh on yourself). What is this looking like for YOU?

We are so hard on ourselves. We desperately want to put ourselves & everything (emotions, relationships, jobs, situations etc) into boxes … but life is about constant duality... the Yin & the Yang ... 

... Feeling joy & sadness .... Feeling like doing & being 

What would it feel like to Settle into the Flow?

What if I allowed? 

What would it look like instead of living in the black & white perspective to Dance in the Grey?


Let's connect on social media! You can find me @ _journeytowell
Be sure to reach out and say hello 🤍

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be well, my friend
xx Hannah