For Health & Happiness
Welcome! With my experiences from a Professional Bodybuilder to a Health Coach, I want to offer my thoughts on health and fitness and how the two truly work together. Join me as I offer training tips, talk food myths, my weekly Women's Wellness Q&A, and so much more.
I truly hope it is insightful and you can get something out of it to help you make happy and healthy!
Be Happy. Be Healthy.
Podcasting since 2025 • 9 episodes
For Health & Happiness
Latest Episodes
Woman Wellness Q&A: "Handling Stress"
In this week's Women's Wellness Q&A LIVE, we will be talking about stress. The good, the bad, and the best ways to cope. This is a complex and broad toppic to discuss but I hope you can take something from it that helps you in your life's h...

Do I Need Creatine?
Ahh, creatine, the magic powder that makes you strong like bull! In the episode I give my thoughts on creatine and if it is needed. Many people swear by it and think it's required in order to improve speed, endurance, and muscle growth. Maybe t...
Season 1
Episode 8

"Christianity & Obesity" with Pastor Shannel Burrows
This is an archive episode from an interview with Pastor Shannel Burrows on her Facebook live show, Wednesday's Are For Women. In this episode, we talk about the church's role with obesity and diabetes, the importance of not just changing your ...
Season 1
Episode 7

How Heavy Should I Lift?
In this video, I show you how I choose how heavy I lift for an effective, intense, and safer, workout. Unfortunately, too many people focus on weight and not other elements of a training program. From my experience, this limits one's results an...

Woman Wellness Q&A: "Vegan vs Meat Eating"
Good day beautiful people!In this episode, we are continuing our series on the question: What confuses you about your health/fitness journey? Today we are talking about vegan vs meat eating. I give my thoughts on veganism, meat-eating, i...
Season 1
Episode 5