Mid-Life Mayhem; How to function in your 40's

Episode 2: What is your favorite lie?

Katie Kovaleski Season 1 Episode 2

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This episode discusses the lies we tell ourselves and sell ourselves when we want to keep an illusion or dream alive.

Background:This episode was recorded during Katie’s 8-week trip to Michigan where she was staying in a small cottage on a lake in a middle-of-nowhere town with her Mother. This time was really about reconnecting with herself after an intense year (pandemic obviously) discovering co-dependent patterns that started with her relationship with her Mother, going through a break up with her fiance and restructuring her business to be entirely virtual.

On: Do you want the thing or the dream/illusion? -7:15 - 8:05 

On: Wanting the thing so badly we ignore every red flag  9:20-9:45

On: The lies we tell ourselves when we want a dream too badly 10:40 - 11:03

On: Inspiration from Shift 110 about learning to become aware of what you are consuming: 12:46 - 14:46

**Reference to balancing/balances & PSYCH-K: The process Katie used to re-program her subconscious when it came to anxiety about change & creating new habits

On: What comes out when we stop lying to ourselves  15:26 - 15:42

On: Clearing the space so you can choose new things  16:33 - 16:55 

Youtube: The Kollective Co.

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Wavier & Release of Liability and Disclaimer: The information provided by the therapist(s) is not intended, nor is implied to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice. The listener is advised to always seek the advice of their health care practitioner or other qualified health care provider with questions regarding medical conditions, or the mental health and welfare of the listener. I (listener) accept that neither Kathryn Kovaleski or Natalie Diaz, is liable for any injury, or damages, to person or property, resulting from listening to this podcast.

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