Time for You
My name is Erin and my goal is to help you find time for yourself. Life gets busy and we tend to lose ourselves in the mix of marriage, motherhood, and everything else. Let’s rediscover who you are, your passions, and your desires.I am the mindset coach for women who are tired of making excuses for playing small. Even though you want to blame it on others, deep down you know you are the one holding yourself back. You know you are capable of so much more than you are allowing yourself. Let's make some time for you! Connect with me on Instagram: @erinwoodruffcoaching Website: www.erinwoodruffcoaching.com
142 episodes
10 Ways to Say No Without Saying No
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAYIf you think, "I can't say no", "saying no is impossible for me", "I just get walked all over", or "I say yes to everything except for myself", then this episode is for you!“The ability to say no to yourself is...

Boundaries 101
Boundaries can make or break a happy life. Boundaries are extremely important if you want to create a life with structure, balance, harmony, and respect. In this episode you will learn:-What are boundaries?-Why are boundaries im...

5 Strategies to Plan in Advance
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!Checking out for a few weeks for maternity leave has given me a great opportunity to plan ahead.In this episode you will learn 5 strategies to plan ahead:-Strategy #1 - Master the Mini-Plan-Strategy #2 ...
Episode 112

Permission to Rest
With the pressure to be "on" all the time, when do you take time to rest? Do you give yourself permission to rest? In this episode you will learn:-busting the "hustle" myth-the power of rest-guilt-free relaxation and wh...
Episode 111

The Gift of Patience
Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. The Gift of Patience: Focus on the positive outcomes and benefits associated with developing patience. Discuss how patience...
Episode 110

Extreme Personal Ownership
Put simply, extreme ownership (E.O.) is how great leaders take responsibility for every aspect of their team and its mission. Taking E.O. requires you to put aside your ego and take absolute responsibility for the outcome.How do you take...
Episode 109

Believe Without Knowing the How
Without tickets, my neighbor headed to Europe with the belief that he would be attending the Scotland Open Golf Tournament. How often do you hold yourself back from doing something simply because you don't know how it's going t...
Episode 108

Story Time: Building Community, Creating Support, and Making Friends
When was the last time that you felt support from your community? In this episode, I share a recent experience where I was willing to help a friend out in a small but significant way. What to expect from this episode:-A persona...
Episode 107

Finding the Gifts and Opportunities During Trials and Challenges
How could your trials, challenges, and problems feel lighter if you focused on the gifts and opportunities that could come from them? In his book, Shirzad Chamine - Positive Intelligence, outlines the Three Gifts Technique. This te...
Episode 106

The Motivational Triad
The Motivational Triad helps you to understand the basics of human behavior and why you aren't doing what you want to be doing. In this episode, you will learn:-The three points of the motivational triad-Seek Pleasure-A...
Episode 105

5 Lessons from Spending 20 Minutes Outside for 365 Days
Small goals can bring us the greatest outcomes and results. For the last 365 days, I have had a goal of spending at least 20 minutes outside a day, no matter the weather. In this episode, I share the top 5 lessons I have learned fr...
Episode 104

A New Way of Viewing Your Anxiety
Over 50% of the population in America claims to have some form of anxiety. Why is this but more importantly, what can we do about this? In this episode, I share with you a new way of thinking about your anxiety. What t...
Episode 103

Liminal Space
Liminal space refers to the place a person is in during a transitional period. It’s a gap and can be physical (like a doorway), emotional (like a divorce), or metaphorical (like a decision).This is where one thing ends and another is ab...
Episode 102

Worth vs Worthy: And Why The Difference Matters
If you're constantly looking for external validation, seeking approval from others, or pushing yourself to the limits, then you might need to understand the difference between worth and worthy. Your inherent worth is 100% all the t...
Episode 101

Celebrate Yourself: Enjoying the Journey, Not Just the Destination
Episode 100! Can you even believe it? In this episode, I review the importance of celebrating often and intentionally. What to expect from this episode:-the importance of celebrating regularly-micro-celebration...
Episode 100

Unconditional Love
In honor of Valentine's Day, we're talking about love. But not just any kind of love. Unconditional love. What to expect from this episode:-what is unconditional love?-how is it different from regular love?-how to feel ...
Episode 99

Self-Worth: You Are Worth Loving
What does your self-worth meter look like right now? Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? In this podcast, we explore what self-worth actually is and how it affects how we show up in our lives. Things covered in the podca...
Episode 98

Baseline Minimums: Why The Small Things Matter
How do you take care of yourself? In this podcast episode, share what baseline minimums are and why you should have them in your life. Baseline minimums are small, non-negotiable things that women need to do for themselves to maint...
Episode 97

Cognitive Dissonance
Mental gymnastics is real. And it's exhausting. We all experience cognitive dissonance, but not many of us know how to cope with it. Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not al...
Episode 96

What's the Rush?
Do you feel like you're always behind? Like you can never get where you're going? Then this podcast episode is for you. In this episode, I dive into hurry sickness, what it is and why you need to be aware of it, and more!Se...
Episode 95

Become the Main Character in Your Story
Becoming the main character in your story will be one of the greatest gifts you will ever give to yourself. What does it mean to be the main character in your story?Why is it important to be the main character in your story?
Episode 94

2024 Podcast Rebrand!
New things coming to the TIME FOR YOU Podcast. My name is Erin and my goal is to help you embrace your inner light. If you’re sick of feeling stuck and tired of holding yourself back from the things you know you’re capable of, you’...

1% Better in 2024
HAPPY NEW YEAR!Instead of setting lofty New Year resolutions or goals, why not try to be 1% better than you are right now? If you commit to being 1% better each day, by the end of this year, you will be 37x better than you ...
Episode 93