Loving Me, Myself & Life Artwork

Loving Me, Myself & Life

Welcome home. I'm so happy and excited that you are here!! Wherever you are right now in your life, whatever you are feeling and going through, just know it's where you're meant to be...but it also doesn't mean you need to stay there either. Loving Me, Myself & Life is me bringing all I've got, backed with love and passion, to bring you fun, loving, exciting stories about love, challenges, struggles, success, and the journey that brought me here today with YOU. Here's a little bit about me...I'm a Self-Lover, an entrepreneur, writer, wife, mother of two, a life-learner, and I have a strong passion to help you build a deeper, loving relationship with yourself, so you can have the confidence to create the life you most want to have. ​I help women embrace who they are right here and now, so they can put their best authentic-self forward. I truly believes it all starts with building a deeper, loving relationship with yourself. I'm also a Certified Master Empowerment Coach...and soon-to-be Yoga Teacher. I understand the importance of doings things that light you up. I'm here to help you rediscover your dreams, take action, and bring passion and confidence back into your let's have some fun!!
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