Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1E204 Problems with Mental Health

March 03, 2024 With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 204

Today I want to talk about a serious issue. The shortage of mental health resources available right now in the world.

When you or someone you know is struggling, where are you supposed to turn for help? What can you do?

Now, I'm not a therapist, but I am a coach, and I've had to do some deep healing on my journey of self-care and self-love.

I like to promote prevention and taking care of yourself as I describe here. But I wanted to do more.

So I'm opening up my coaching lines to anyone that needs help; to be that someone to listen to you without judgement and maybe even provide some measure of relief.

If you or someone you know needs this, please visit my website to join our loving community and receive emails about this new way I'm trying to give back. Don't forget that you can always email me as well.